Ring Muscle-Ups
Continuing yesterday’s muscle-up subject today we focus on the ring muscle-up.
There are two particular versions done on rings: the STRICT muscle-up and the KIPPING muscle-up. Both are fantastic and both are used regularly in CrossFit workouts.
The strict muscle-up is a high-skill movement. Unlike the bar muscle-up this requires independent control over both shoulders and arms and the strength is even more apparent since you can’t rest your torso on the bar. If the shoulders, specifically the rotator cuff, aren’t strong and flexible the muscle-up isn’t a real possibility for use in workouts until that baseline fitness is achieved. With focused practice of positioning, transitions, and coordination it increases your chances of being able to complete a rep.
Take Maia for example:
What you don’t see in the video above is the practice put in to check the box on this particular goal. Hours upon hours of reps upon reps resulted in this success, but there were plenty of missed reps. Plenty of frustrating sessions of practice. Plenty of times that “it was this close!” (Password for the video link is ‘foundation’)
Maia not only worked on strict and kipping pullups and dips- she started her gym sessions attacking her mobility issues (and still does every day). She asked questions and worked on the drills and skills necessary to prepare the body to do this kind of work. Once the strength and flexibility foundation was laid, we started using some of Carl Paoli’s drills for smoother transitions. After some time we allowed her to attempt full reps on her own, but also came in to assist as needed. Eventually the above rep happened on a Saturday morning during a CompEx session. Perfect practice makes perfect.
Come learn from the dude direct at FCF on Saturday 11/9 at 12pm. It’s open to everyone who wants to be able to do or teach the skill, now or waaay later in the future. Register here: https://freestyleconnection.com/course/muscle-up-master-class-seattle-wa/
CrossFit WOD for Thursday 10/17
3 rounds of
5 muscle-ups
15 single leg squats, one leg
20 toes-to-rings
30′ handstand walk
20 toes-to-rings
15 single leg squats, other leg
5 muscle-ups
Rest 1:1 or alternate rounds with a partner. Post fastest time to whiteboard.
HIIT Class at 12pm, 6:30pm
READ: 5 Tips to Get Your First Muscle-Up with Carl Paoli – Breaking Muscle
WATCH: Kipping Swing Length for Bar Muscle-Ups – Invictus