Community: Intact!

One of the many ways gyms are adapting in these strange, strange times are by becoming virtual.
We had a great turnout for our Instagram and Facebook LIVE workout session at noon, and then again for our Wine Down Wednesday Mobility & Community Hour

WORKOUT for Thursday 3/19/2020
CGO 12.1
Max target burpees in 7:00. If you can, set an object 6″ above standing reach. The burpee rep starts with chest and thighs on the ground, jump and two-hand-touch the object before repeating. If you don’t have an object just make sure you jump vertically.
Share score to comments. Post-workout will be washing your hands then 1:00/position of Hips of Glory + Pigeon Stretch + Seated Shoulder Extension.
We will host a full hour class with CGO 12.1 on Zoom at 6pm. RSVP on ZenPlanner to get the meeting code after you wash your hands!
Things you should have ready:
– enough space for you to lay down
– a weighted backpack or luggage (or weights if you have any)
– soap and water for washing your hands
– a fully charged phone or laptop so you can view the entire class
READ: Coronavirus and the CrossFit Community: A Call to Action – Morning Chalk Up
WATCH: WASH YOUR HANDS! Hand sanitizer if you can’t, but washing your hands is priority.