Sunday 5/24
Remember! We have a Memorial Day Walkthrough so you can chat with some of the staff and see the changes in the gym. Not to mention that we’ll be grilling some hot dogs (Vegan options available!) – Place your order here – BUT you’ll need to RSVP via ZenPlanner so that we can keep track of how many people are in and respect physical distancing.
WORKOUT for Sunday 5/24/2020
5 x 400m run, resting 1:00 between efforts
– 3:00 rest –
3 x 800m run, resting 1:00 between efforts
– 3:00 rest –
1-mile run for time
HSPU Strength Ladder: EMOM x5 of 1-2-1 reps. We’re in the home stretch!
READ: Inside the Flour Company Supplying America’s Sudden Baking Obsession – Marker
WATCH: For tomorrow’s Memorial Day Murph
Here are some MURPH partition strategies I like: