Thursday 6/4
An oldie, but goodie (and necessary for active people who want to eat clean)!
For this week we’re moving our weekly Shoot the Sh!t Q&A with Andrew to YouTube. CLICK HERE at 6:30pm!
If you have any questions you want answered, please put them in the comments.
WORKOUT for Thursday 6/4/2020
10 rounds for time:
6 one-arm alternating Devil’s press
25 jumping jacks
15:00 time cap. Post time to comments!
Notes: We want you do get comfortable with the coordination involved in this particular movement. Jumping jacks for conditioning- and I believe that many of you have never actually tried doing jumping jacks in a WOD. Let’s check that box today. If you want to beat the time cap, you’ll have to PUSH IT.
Equipped? Go for a 50/35/20lbs dumbbell or a 20/16/8kg kettlebell.
HSPU Strength Ladder: every 2:00 x3 do 1-2-3-2-1
READ: Our Commitment to an Inclusive Region – Seattle Chamber of Commerce
WATCH: We are turning our 8am Wednesday stretch class into multiple videos accessible to members throughout the week so you have a mobility protocol to do if you want to focus on improving your flexibility. Here’s the first one of June on us!