Saturday 4/3
Today you have an opportunity to test a heavy overhead -OR- front squat, depending on your abilities.
IN-GYM WORKOUT for Saturday 4/3/2021
EMOM x 15
8-12 calorie row
5-8 dips (or bar muscle-up into dips)
8-12 kettlebell swings, any style
5-8 wall walks
8-12 pogo burpees
AMRAP in 20:00
4 (strict) pullups
8 elevated-feet pushups, 12/20/24″
12 med ball cleans, 10/20/30lbs
Rest 2 minutes then take 8 minutes to establish a heavy 3RM OHS/FS
Post workout score to whiteboard. Lifting numbers go into your journals!
High Intensity Interval Training for Saturday 4/3/2021
HIIT will be moving to Sundays beginning next week (4/11)