Tag Archive for: 14point4

Tony L finishing a set of toes-to-bar

CrossFit WOD for Saturday 11/11

CGO 14.4

AMRAP in 14 minutes:
60 calorie row
50 toes-to-bar
40 wall ball, 20/14# to 10/9′
30 power cleans, 61/43kg
20 muscle-ups

Compare to 26JAN2016. Post time to whiteboard!

Cheryl C

Cycling movements in manageable sets will be important in maximizing today’s score.


+ What Happened When We Used CrossFit For Marathon Training – Runner’s World

CrossFit WOD for Max Thursday 1/26

CGO 14.4

AMRAP 14 mins
60 calorie row
50 toes-to-bar
40 wall balls, 20/14#
30 cleans, 61/43kg
20 muscle-ups

HellaFit WOD


5 rounds, 1 min each:

1. split squat
2. Cossack squat
3. bent over row
4. KBS
5. burpee
6. rest

Bobby B and Dave H


+ Coaching Roundatable CrossFit Open 14.4: Tips and Advice – Tabata Times

CrossFit WOD for Test Tuesday 1/24

50-40-30-20-10 reps for time:
wall ball
double unders

OR if you’ve never done the benchmarks separately before


50-40-30-20-10 reps for time:
double unders

rest 1 minute, then


150 wall ball for time

Post times to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD


30 min AMRAP:

100m run
20 lunges
30 push-ups
40 Russian twists
50 KBS