IN-GYM WORKOUT for Wednesday 4/21/2021
every minute on the minute x 3 rounds
a. 5-8 pullups
b. 5-8 dips
c. 5-8 muscle snatch + deepest overhead squat
d. 5-8 burpees
e. Up to 3 CLEAN & JERKS, increasing in weight
For time/15:00 limit
15 front squats, 30 toes-to-bar, 15 thrusters, 1:00 rest
15 front squats, 30 chest-to-bar pullups, 15 thrusters, 1:00 rest
15 front squats, 30 bar muscle-ups, 15 thrusters
immediately into
7 minutes to establish a max deadlift + clean + hang clean + jerk
Post score/time and weights to whiteboard.
– Lower body: CHAIR STRETCH.
– Upper body: SINK STRETCH
– Extra challenge: GERMAN HANG
READ: What. A. Day (4/20/2021) – Crooked Media