Saturday 3/27

Good luck if you’re doing #21point3and4 today!

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Saturday 3/27/2021


for time/15:00 time cap:
15 front squats
30 toes-to-bar
15 thrusters
1:00 rest
15 front squats
30 chest-to-bar pullups
15 thrusters
1:00 rest
15 front squats
30 bar muscle-ups
15 thrusters

Immediately followed by


establish a 1RM of the following complex in 7:00:
hang clean

Post scores to whiteboard and your journal. And submit your scores if needed!

AT-HOME WORKOUT for Saturday 3/27/2021

READ: CGO 21.3 / 21.4 Preliminary Analysis & Strategies – BTWB