Tag Archive for: Catalyst Athletics

Coach Sarah

If you didn’t already see our weekly email here’s our schedule this week:

Also if you didn’t see our IG Live Q&A we have a ton planned for release on our social channels, thanks to you all and your continued support.

WORKOUT for Monday 4/20/2020 (LIGHT UP!)

Use this clock!

every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
– Min 1: 9 burpees
– Min 2: 12 weighted step ups
– Min 3: 15 single arm push press (alternating sides each round)
– Min 4: 18 jumping lunges
– Min 5: 21 Russian KB swings

every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
– Min 1: 9 step up burpees
– Min 2: 12 weighted step ups
– Min 3: 15 single arm push press (alternating sides each round)
– Min 4: 18 weighted lunges
– Min 5: 21 Russian KB swings

Using a bag or backpack with books or cans of food:
every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
– Min 1: 9 burpees
– Min 2: 12 jumping air squats
– Min 3: 15 push press (alternating sides each round)
– Min 4: 18 weighted lunges
– Min 5: 21 Russian KB swings or SDHP, depending on the complexity of the weighted implement

Post your score to comments!

2nd Serving – Need More Work? (-Bias)

If you didn’t do yesterday’s 5k for time, do that instead. Our every-other-day-Endurance-bias-work will train specifically to improve your 5k time. You can adapt this into rowing and skiing as well.

  • Walk two to three minutes to pre-warm your body.
  • Run 10 minutes at an easy effort to warm up.
  • Run 8 x 1 minute at a hard but controlled effort in the red zone (see chart below).
  • Follow every minute of hard running with one minute walking to catch your breath and recover.
  • Cool down by running five minutes at an easy effort and walking three minutes.

HSPU Strength Ladder: every minute on the minute x 4 do 1-2-1 reps

READ: Some Thoughts About COVID-19 and Weightlifting – Catalyst Athletics

Coach Dave

Let’s be honest about the current state of affairs.

The coronavirus COVID-19 is real and will be in the news for a long time coming. Understanding this, we are doing our best to mitigate risks, and we are very aware of the necessary escalations that the state of Washington is implementing. We don’t expect anything extreme enough to happen to force us to close, but here’s our plan to maintain the health and wellness of our community:

What We Are Doing

We’ve refreshed all spray bottles with a Clorox Bleach solution to disinfect your equipment and things you’ve touched while you’re here. Our coaches and staff are also putting in extra duty to disinfect the gym during our non-class hours. If you have an allergy please be mindful of this. Once we are able to procure non-bleach disinfectants, we will make that switch.

Programming has been adjusted to limit how many pieces of equipment required for a workout. We’re able to limit transmission by reducing the amount of things you’re touching in your workouts. Don’t worry, we’re also making sure that it’s still fun and useful and stimulating.

We have more contingencies planned if this all gets worse, but our ultimate goal is to keep our membership safe while allowing them a place to maintain their health and fitness.

What You Can Do

  1. WASH YOUR HANDS before and after your session here.
  2. Wipe and disinfect every surface you use in the gym.
  3. Do not come to the gym if you feel ill or show symptoms.
  4. Do not come to the gym if you care for those who are most at-risk, including those older than 60+ years of age


I’ve made an workout BINGO sheet you can do at home our outside (because FCF loves bingo!) that will be up on the blog tomorrow (or in the gym on paper on Saturday).

In the meantime you can try our HellaFit classes on YouTube!

CrossFit WOD for Champagne Friday 3/13/2020

Every :90 perform a lift successfully then add 1-5kg.
– Start with an empty barbell and snatch for as long as possible.
– Once you cannot snatch the weight, clean for as long as possible.
– Once you cannot clean the weight, deadlift for as long as possible.

3-miss limit on each lift. Share heaviest load for the snatch, clean and deadlift to whiteboard.

READ: Staying Over the Bar in the Snatch & Clean: What, Why, How by Greg Everett – Catalyst Athletics
WATCH: Watch the technique of these incredible Chinese lifters!


In today’s workout we want a hard 8:00 cardio/stamina interval for max distance or reps. If you don’t reach the proper intensity it won’t feel like you accomplished anything and since we’re challenging your breath it’s okay to almost redline. You’ll just stop, catch your breath, then go again. We just want to challenge that ceiling and see how well we can buffer that discomfort.

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 1/8/2020

Three 8:00 max efforts between the rower, Echo bike, ski, fluid-style kettlebell swings, farmer’s shuttle.

then EMOMx10:00 clean & jerks

May alter weight as needed between sets. Share reps to whiteboard. Post-workout should be banded Samson stretches similar to this.

READ: Study: Low Carb Better For Shrinking Fat Cells and Improving Insulin Resistance – Diet Doctor
WATCH: Knee valgus = caving in.

FCF offers a Barbell Class twice a week with two tracks athletes can follow. 1.) an Olympic Weightlifting track where the primary lifts are the SNATCH and the CLEAN & JERK. 2.) a Powerlifting track where the primary lifts are the back squat, bench press, and deadlift.

CrossFit WOD for Thursday, August 29th

AMRAP in 20:00
400m kettlebell rack walk
30 bar-facing burpees

Rest 5:00 then on a 10:00 clock
– Complete 50 ring dips
– In the remaining time establish a 1RM clean

You have one score: total burpees multiplied by the weight of your heaviest successful clean. Post score to whiteboard.

READ: Praise, Don’t Tease, and Other Tips to Help Kids With Their Weight – NPR
WATCH: How to Time Warm-ups in Weightlifting Competition, Counting Attempts – Catalyst Athletics


Today is the LAST DAY for FCF PRIDE 2018 Limited Edition t-shirts. Get them as this link ASAP. Tell your friends and swolemates- we’re walking the Seattle Pride Parade again this year.


+ A Simple Guide to Weightlifting Competition Warmups – Catalyst Athletics

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 6/5

back squat 5x5x65-70%

tabata front squat, 52/38kg

AMRAP in 15 minutes:
200/400/600m run, etc
8 alternating split snatches, 43/29kg

Post total split snatches completed to whiteboard!

HIIT WOD – 12pm, 5:30pm

3 rounds
100 single foot jump rope skip

100 lateral hops over jump rope
Rest 1min


3 rounds
20 dbl db z-press
10 manmakers
Rest 1min


3 rounds
20 dbl db deadlifts
10 dbl db thrusters

Foundations 1 WOD

15-12-9 reps for time:

Start and end the workout with a 200m run!

Big thanks to everyone who came out Tuesday evening for the Freestyle Connection Seminar

“The 1¼ squat is used to strengthen the bottommost part of the squat to aid in proper recovery position in the squat, clean or snatch. It can also be used specifically to train VMO and glute activation and strength.” – Greg Everett


+ The 1-1/4 Squat: How, When, and Why It Should Be In Your Training – BarBend

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 9/28

4 rounds for time:
100m lunge
7 muscle-ups

then 1-1/4 front squats 7×3

Post times to whiteboard!

All sports require different amounts of muscle synchronization, balance, flexibility, and coordination as well as strength, speed, power, and metabolic development. Olympic weightlifting provides development in all these areas. While training for maximal strength can have a positive effect on performance, it also can have a “negative effect on movement speed and the ability of a muscle to display explosive effort” (Wenzel & Perfetto 1992). However, this does not mean that strength gains do not happen through training at high speeds. Wenzel and Perfetto characterized strength gains from high-speed training as adaptations “due to an increase in the number of fibers recruited or a more synchronous firing of motor neurons” (Wenzel & Perfetto 1992).

—Philip Sabatini, February 2011 interview with elitefts.net.

Jesse T


+ Hips, Meet Bar: Bar-Body Contact in the Extension of the Snatch and Clean – Catalyst Athletics
+ Fully Move Every Joint Every Day – The Movement Fix

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 1/12

ab work, then


21-15-9 reps for time:
snatch, 52/38kg


21-15-9 reps for time:
snatch, 61/43kg

HellaFit WOD


10 min AMRAP:
– 10 burpee box jumps
– 10 weighted step-ups
– 10 bent over rows

8 min AMRAP:
– 5 front squats
– 3 push presses

12 min EMOM:
– 30-sec max effort KBS