If you’re not on the Foundation Barbell/Level 2 Facebook page we have started a little accessory program called “The THICCening”
Many athletes are looking to improve themselves to reach the next level: hit those higher skills like muscle-ups, handstand pushups, pistols, and more. In classes we practice the skills thoroughly enough, but maybe still can’t reach the goal because we’re not strong enough. Enter these accessories aka bodybuilding. If we know certain muscle groups don’t have the strength for these skills we need to do some extra homework. Consistent practice will improve muscle strength and potentially size (because before you know it, Summer will be here.) Hypertrophy will come if you’re eating in a surplus- otherwise those muscles won’t grow- they’ll get strong as hell though.
Basically every day, Monday through Saturday, before or after your workout at the gym you can find the ThundrBro 100 10-Minute Finishers That Crush book in the back. ThundrBro was co-founded by Dave Lipson, a former competitive CrossFitter and Camille Leblanc-Bazinet’s husband. He’s moved into the physique and bodybuilding world so there’s an understanding of what we do on the regular. Inside the book there is a Post-It note with dates and which finisher to do each day.
I’ve done the work of writing the workout (and maybe adding some flourishes of my own) somewhere else on the page for easier reading. Once you finish the work INITIAL & DATE to show you’ve completed the job anywhere on the page.
Our goal is to Harry-Potter-and-the-Half-Blood-Prince the book for future athletes.
Since the work will be written out the variables on you will be a.) loading: you’ll need to use weights, heights, and resistance that leave only a handful of reps in reserve at the completion of each set; and b.) rest times: the book prescribes a static 2-3:00 rests between sets. While that works, our goal is volume accumulation so why not get more work done?
CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 2/26
“CELEBRATE LIFE” (from Wodapalooza 2020)
for time:
50 wall ball, 30/20/14lbs to 10/9/9′
40 calorie ski/row
30 dumbbell snatches, 70/50/35lbs
20 box jump overs, 36/28/20″
15 bar muscle-ups
13:00 time cap. Share times/scores to whiteboard.
READ: Muscle Damage For Size and Strength? – Tyler Hass for CrossFit.com