Tag Archive for: confidence


Can you guys believe we’re already into week 4 of our challenge? Not much has been happening, though I know this past weekend there were a ton of Halloween happenings. I hope you all had a wonderful time! Now I expect you all to reset this coming week like…

I also wanted to share Michael C.’s Halloween costume this year: so clever, so simple, and “why-didn’t-I-think-of-that” ! Haha! I hope it serves as a reminder to use your IP/favorite tool to cook/prep. I plan on dressing up to coach on Tuesday, so wear your costumes one mo’ time!

Before I sign off, will you do me a favor? Sometime this week in the gym.. I’d really love it if you would go to the whiteboard (closest to the windows) and take a look at who else is participating in the challenge. Find someone who is doing something different than you and strike up conversation. Ask them how it’s going! Maybe you don’t know much about what they’re doing and you want to know more about it. Then share with me what you find out by chatting at the gym (if it’s not too hectic) or sending me an email.

Have a wonderful week!

– Sheena


CrossFit WOD for Halloween Tuesday 10/31

Put your Halloween costume to good use (AGAIN) by showing up to workout in it!

3 rounds for time:
50 double unders
15 push jerk, 43/29kg

Post time to whiteboard!

CompEx WOD

Each with a 5:00 time cap:

21-15-9 rft:
db/kb burpee
db/kb kettlebell swing

15-12-9 rft:
db/kb burpee
db/kb thruster

12-9-6 rft:
db/kb burpee
db/kb jerk

Gymnastics Strength WOD – Class 53

– hanging and support warmup
– skill work
– strength work
– putting it all together


forward roll intro

Foundations WOD – Class 7


150 wall ball shots for time

Hugh M

Back in the day deadlifts used to be called “health lifts” because it’s the most basic of movement: pick up a load/weight from the ground to a standing position. Do this well and live a healthy life!


+ Optimize Your Mind and Boost Your Confidence feat. Justin Stenstrom – Brute Strength Podcast

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 5/4

deadlift 2x3x75%, 3x2x80%, 4x2x85%

3 rounds for time:
2 laps around the block
20 toes-to-bar

Post deadlift loads to whiteboard!

Endurance WOD

(Long Interval) 5x 800m run, 2:45 rest between efforts.