Check out the crew who joined us for the return of our summer Endurance classes!
Seattle University is one of the many venues throughout the city for the 2018 Special Olympics USA Games.
You can see the schedule and events here.
If you didn’t see on Tuesday’s post, we’ll be giving out two endurance building workouts each week: on Tuesdays we’ll meet at the gym for an actual class. We’ll jog over the SU track, do some joint/movement prep then hit some short-interval track work for technique, speed, and ultimately power. On Thursdays we’ll simply post a workout for you to do anywhere you can bring a watch: road, park, etc. These workouts will be long-interval, tempo, or time trial work for cardiovascular endurance and stamina training. You can coordinate with other friends to run with you if you’d like, but we’re not going to burn a class to watch you run for anything between 20 and 60 minutes.
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CrossFit WOD for Thursday 7/5
100 dips (in as few sets as possible) for time, then
AMRAP in 12:00
30 double unders
10 burpees
3 bar muscle-up
Post times and scores to whiteboard.
5 round Tabata
Swivel hips
Lunge steps
Monkey crawls
Monkey side crawls
Hop overs
– then –
6 cycles
On a 3 min clock
10 Sand bag squats
10 Ball slams
10 Sand bag squats
10 Ball slams
Endurance WOD
5k time trial. Find a route (or make one yourself), grab a watch, warmup, and get to running! Since it is a time trial you are doing this FOR TIME like you would a CrossFit workout.