Tag Archive for: Julie Foucher

This week is a DELOAD week from our ongoing volume and intensity so we’ll be working lots of isometrics and positional strength. Prioritize nutrition, recovery, and flexibility work!

Who’s ready for some loaded lunges?!

CrossFit WOD for Monday, August 12th

weighted lunge 10×5, then

3 rounds of continuous movement
1:00 medicine ball clean wall ball, 20/14lbs
1:00 kettlebell SDHP, 32/24kg
1:00 broad jumps, 6/4′
1:00 alternating dumbbell snatch, 50/35lbs
1:00 kettlebell swing, 32/24kg
1:00 rest

Post score to whiteboard.

Barbell Club

It’s Realization week! Max effort reps on your lifts in Powerlifting so we can game plan next week’s 1-rep maxes. Olympic Weightlifting gets the collar off of the slow and controlled movements to see what happens at full speed.

+ Olympic Weightlifting WEEK3, August 2019 PDF
+ Powerlifting WEEK3, August 2019 PDF


+ Morning Exercise May Offer the Most Weight Loss Benefits – NY Times

Lauren, Stacey, Michael, and Scott: Team Foundation CrossFit (S) at the 2017 Battle at the Ballpark


+ Banded Shoulder Sevens – The Movement Fix

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 7/13

10:00 handstands, then

AMRAP in 12 minutes:
9 double kettlebell deadlifts, 2×24/16kg
6 burpees
3 double kettlebell cleans, 2×24/16kg

Fitness = single kettlebell or double dumbbells. Performance = 2×32/20kg kettlebells.

Post completed reps to whiteboard / comments!

HellaFit WOD

Our take on bootcamp workouts, this class challenges you for the entire hour with a blend of strength and conditioning that works all the major muscle groups and focuses on functional movement. HellaFit will get you #hellasweaty while having #hellafun!

Endurance WOD

Long Interval: 5x 1200m run, with 3 to 4 minute rests between efforts.

Kai H, Nadia T, and Tina L

Our schedule has expanded! More classes and class times have been added to your muscular and sweaty pleasure. READ, DAMN IT, READ: http://www.foundationcrossfit.com/2017/04/2017-expanded-schedule/

We’re always tinkering, so if you have any ideas let us know.


+ Does the Sound of Noisy Eating Drive You Mad? Here’s Why. – TIME

She’s back!

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 4/27

5 rounds for time:
20 overhead squats, 43/29kg
20 toes-to-bar
20 calorie row

Performance uses Assault Bikes. Post time to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD


50 each for time:

– wall balls
– active hangs
– double unders
– wall balls
– double unders
– active hangs
– wall balls