Tag Archive for: mindset

WORKOUT for Wednesday 10/26/2022

EMOM x12
2 power snatches

5 rounds for time:
250m row
15 wall ball shots, 8/14/20lbs to 9/9/10’
15 box jumps, 12/20/24

Post time to whiteboard.

ENGINE for Wed 10/26

in 4:00 complete 30 double kettlebell clean & press. in remaining time complete as many box jump overs as possible. Repeat until done!

BODYBUILDING for Wed 10/26

tabata floor press

300 banded pull aparts (in sets of 30-50)
300 banded face pulls (in sets of 30-50)

3 rounds of
5-5-5 bicep openers
12+ plate flips

8x 3 chinup negatives

READ: Why Athletes Need a ‘Quiet Eye’ – BBC Future

Len S


– Community CrossFit class on Sunday, 9/24 at Noon! Anyone is welcome to join! No experience necessary.
– Carl Paoli’s Freestyle Seminar is coming to FCF on Tuesday 9/26!


+ Whole30 Sriracha [Recipe] – Nom Nom Paleo

CrossFit WOD for Friday 9/22


2 rounds for time of:
40 calorie row
40 toes-to-bar
40 overhead squats, 43/29kg

Immediately into…


5 minutes to find a 1RM hang snatch

Workout 4 is scored as the total time it takes to complete the two rounds of the triplet. Workout 5 is scored as the heaviest single lift in pounds on the 1RM Hang Snatch. Post both scores (workout 4 and workout 5) to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

snatches and clean & jerks, pullups

Kettlebell WOD

– Andrew is subbing for Patrick tonight!

Hugh M

Back in the day deadlifts used to be called “health lifts” because it’s the most basic of movement: pick up a load/weight from the ground to a standing position. Do this well and live a healthy life!


+ Optimize Your Mind and Boost Your Confidence feat. Justin Stenstrom – Brute Strength Podcast

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 5/4

deadlift 2x3x75%, 3x2x80%, 4x2x85%

3 rounds for time:
2 laps around the block
20 toes-to-bar

Post deadlift loads to whiteboard!

Endurance WOD

(Long Interval) 5x 800m run, 2:45 rest between efforts.