Tag Archive for: recovery

Do you prefer to hang on bars with an open or closed grip?

A closed-grip activates your forearms for a stronger clasp on the bar, but because of that activation your grip gives out sooner.

An open grip is more comfortable (especially those with smaller hands), but doesn’t guarantee secure contact.

Depending on the exercise you might use one over the other!

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Wednesday 4/7/2021

10 rounds for time:
20 pushups
3 deadlifts, 60/103/145kg

Make these deadlifts heavy but doable. Double overhand until failure then you can mix your grip. Pushups don’t have to be hand-release, but it may help your pacing.

READ: Finding His Purpose: “I Never Would Have Done This CrossFit Shit Otherwise,” Says Military Veteran, Below-the-Knee Amputee – Morning Chalk Up

Our favorite barbell loader

A 10k trail SPARTAN RACE is coming to Washington in April. Our very own Miles wants to head a team.

You in?

(I’ll be programming training into classes regardless)

CrossFit WOD for President’s Day Monday 2/17

5 rounds for time:
30 wall ball, 20/14/8lbs to 10/9/9′
10 deadlifts, 114/70/45kg

Share time to whiteboard. Post-workout should be the classic chair stretch (or banded chair stretch) for 1:00/side at minimum, then grab a foam roller for the specific lower back rock & roll for 3:00+.

READ: Is the RICE Method All Wrong? – Spartan Race