CONDITIONING for Saturday 12/11/2020
READ: Polish Your Rowing Technique – Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes – Dark Horse Rowing
WATCH: Quick Stretch
CONDITIONING for Saturday 12/11/2020
READ: Polish Your Rowing Technique – Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes – Dark Horse Rowing
WATCH: Quick Stretch
Rogue Qualifier Workout 1
AMRAP in 10:00
1000m row
75 thrusters, 35/25/15kg
Post score to whiteboard.
READ: An Open Letter About the Need for Greater Awareness of Caffeine Levels in Energy Drinks – Morning Chalk Up
This week we’ll hit all of the shoulder-to-overhead movements for maxes, a max row w/ CINDY sprinkled in between, a clean & jerk max followed by a kettlebell/deadlift bruiser, a quadruple, TABATA THIS!, a hang squat clean/burpee-over-bar + max snatch workout similar to 18.2, and a chipper!
Also: LAST CHANCE to get registered for either Foundation Barbell cycle (Olympic Weightlifting or Powerlifting). Link dies tonight at 11:59pm! Registered athletes as of 1pm Sunday 5/6 here.
+ This Is Supposed to Be Hard – Breaking Muscle
CrossFit WOD for Monday 5/7
press 1RM
push press 3RM
jerk 5RM
Take up to five top sets to establish a max. Post maxes to whiteboard!
Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 1/3, Day 1/3
hang snatch 75/3 (3)
snatch pull 100/3 (3)
back squat 75/5 (5)
box jump + depth drops, GHDSU, barbell bicep curls
Powerlifting WOD
back squats 85/5+
dips, chinups, bicep opener complex
Kettlebell WOD
deficit deadlifts
Partner KB work
100 deadlifts, plank hold
100 swings, hollow hold
100 renegade rows, hang hold
100 goblet squats, rack hold
One partner working at a time while the other partner holds a movement. Switch as often as needed!
Nate A at UrbanCF’s FIGHT GONE BAD circa 2011
The pulling movement pattern should be solid: pull the shoulder blades (“scaps”) together, following through with the elbows. In the row, you drive with the legs and finish with the elbows. In the hang power clean, you drive with the legs and finish with the elbows (first up then forward). In the Pendlay row, you simply hold the position and finish with the elbows.
Better scap function lead to better posture and more efficient movement patterns overall!
+ Macro Calculator – CALCULO
CrossFit WOD for Thursday 6/15
EMOM for 4 min: 12reps strict or weighted pullups
4 rounds for time
250/200m row
15 hang power cleans 61/43kg
15 Pendlay row, 61/43kg
Post time to whiteboard!
HellaFit WOD
A metcon to test your mental and physical stamina, guaranteed to get you #hellasweaty.
Endurance WOD
Long Interval: 4x 1000m, 60sec rest, 400m, 2min rest, 200m, 30sec rest
To all of our super buff lady friends- we salute you.
+ Why Training Your Tendons Is Important – Mark’s Daily Apple
CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 5/10
30-25-20-15-10-5 reps for time:
front squats
Rx = 52/38kg and chin-over-bar pullups. Performance: 61/43kg and chest-to-bar pullups. Fitness = 20/15kg and jumping chest-to-bar pullups.
Post results to whiteboard!
Olympic Weightlifting WOD
clean + 2 jerks, front squats, and good mornings
Kettlebell WOD
– Primal movement mobility and warmup
– Suitcase carries. Read this article describing the benefits of kettlebell carries.
– We will work on Get Ups and two handed swings
Mark G, Jeff P, Tony L, Cheryl C
How many people will skip CrossFit class today because they’re scared of rowing? Believe me, you don’t hate it, you don’t suck at it, you’re just scared.
If you were thinking about not coming, I double dog dare you to show up and kick a C2’s ass.
+ 4 Tips to Improve Your Rowing Technique – Box Life Magazine
CrossFit WOD for Deload Wednesday 1/18
NOT Double Pyramid HELEN
for time*:
1500m row
63 wall ball, 20/14#
36 pullups
1000m row
42 wall ball, 20/14#
24 c2b pullups
500m row
21 wall ball, 20/14#
12 strict pullups
If you feel pretty damn good today, feel free to go for it. If your body needs some recovery just go through this list bit by bit with plenty of rest in between. Short sets. There is no time limit so you can mosey on through as you’d like.
Post time (or just attendance) to whiteboard.
Olympic Weightlifting WOD – w4d2
front squat, clean + front squat + jerk complex, behind-the-neck push press
Kettlebell WOD
Skills: Snatch
Strength Day #5: 8 swings per arm every minute for 10 minutes
Mailing Address
1122 E Pike St. #1385
Seattle, WA 98122
Physical Address
1415 12th Ave
Seattle, WA, 98122