Hump Day
We’re in the last week of our nutrition challenge! If you’ve been participating, has the time flown by or has it felt really slow? Either way, we’re rooting for you to finish strong this last week.
Some tips on finishing out strong:
-Don’t count down the days until it’s over!
-Finish out your meals and continue to meal prep.
-Come up with a plan for what is to happen when it is over. (More tips on this later this week)
-Remember that nutrition is fuel for your body to perform well, to sleep well, and to recover well.

Leah, Andrea, Jon on Halloween – if you eat a donut after 5 weeks of no sugar or carbs, you might feel like Leah — a zombie!
Get ready to retest some workouts you did at the beginning of the challenge!
Participant Favorite Recipes:
Camree: Kalua Pork – Michelle Tam, Nom Nom Paleo
Sarah: Cashew Beef – Mark Sisson, The Keto Reset Diet
Robyn: Night time smoothie// Casen chocolate protein powder, raspberries, banana, and 1 tablespoon of peanut butter.
Amy: homemade bone broth// roast beef bones, oxtail, celery, carrot, garlic, leeks, lemongrass, onions -> big pot of water with salt, fish sauce, turmeric, and pepper – simmer till bones fall off!
Nasreen: stir fry because it’s easy!
Layne: Spicy Beef Stew – Ali Slagle
Lindsay: I’m loving all of the varieties of fall squash options right now. Toss with salt, pepper, and olive oil and bake at 400 degrees for 15-25 minutes or until fork-tender.
Alan: roasted veggies w/red onion
Anna: Whole30 buffalo chicken meatballs. It’s super easy and they cook pretty quickly. Perfect for football game cravings!
+ 5 Things You Need to Know Before Your First Competition – Steel S&C
+ FCF Winter Weightlifting Mock Meet – Foundation Barbell
CrossFit WOD for Thursday 11/9
for time:
100 double unders
40 deadlifts, 61/43kg
75 double unders
30 hang power cleans, 61/43kg
50 double unders
20 power snatches, 61/43kg
Post time to whiteboard!
HIIT WOD (Long Interval) – 12pm
– Yolk
– Stone
– 1 arm kb overhead
– Kb suitcase
– Farmers
5 Intervals. 3min on / 1min off:
Start with 15 cal row or 10 cal AB
– then –
Accumulate 100 Sandbag Thrusters
– then –
Accumulate 50 T2B
Dirty D’s Yoga
HIIT WOD (Long Interval) – 5:30pm