Rachael T

For a better snatch receiving position creating better mobility in the upper back, hips, and ankles is paramount!


+ Sugar Industry Downplayed Potential Harms of Sugar – NY Times

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 12/5

every 90 seconds for 18 minutes: power snatch + push press + snatch


3 rounds for time:
6 bar muscle-ups
30 wall ball, 20/14lbs to 10/9′

Performance does 5 rounds for time.

Post time to whiteboard!

CompEx WOD

MFT #1338

HIIT WOD – 12pm

Short Interval

:45 work, :15 rest
– Assault Bike
– Rower
– Ladder: Two In, Two Out
– MB Stutter Bucket Throw

:40 work, :20 rest for 16:00
– farmer’s walk
– sandbag drag, pull
– waiter’s walk

calorie rows
banded lat pulldowns

HIIT WOD – 5:30pm

Short Interval

warm up #1 (4 min)
TABATA 20sec on/10sec off
1) push up w/ shoulder tap
2) jumping lunge + air squat

warm up #2 (4 min)
1) agility ladder left/right
2) sit up + russian twist

workout #1 (3 rounds) (approx 9 min)
1 – ramp sprint
5 – hanging knee tucks
9 – slam ball over bar
5 – slam ball sit ups
1 – burpee + slam ball

workout #2 (4 rounds) (30 sec on / 10 sec off) per station (approx 10 min)
station 1 (light dbs) – bent over db lat raise + db strict press
station 2 (medium dbs) – db swing
station 3 (heavy db) – db squat
station 4 – burpees