Week of 2/25 Through 3/3
IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO REGISTER FOR THE 2019 CrossFit Games Open! You have until
We had a lot of fun this weekend despite the workout not being that flashy.
Also: be a better CrossFitter and judge through these next five weeks and take the Online Judges Course. Learn how to see and move well, not only for this online
This certificate will also be valid for the next Open in October!

Monday 2/25
AMRAP in 20 minutes
200m run
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
SupeRx option: carry a 14/8lbs medicine ball during the run, hold the
Post total reps completed to whiteboard.
Tuesday 2/26
EMOM for 14:00
:30 double
:30 alternating dumbbell snatches
then perform the following complex for 20:00: snatch + overhead squat + snatch
Option: can do db hang clean & jerk instead of snatches.
Post heaviest load to whiteboard.
Wednesday 2/27
for time:
45 overhead plate walking lunges, 25/15kg
45 knees-to-elbows
45 situps
45 calorie row
45 situps
45 knees-to-elbows
45 overhead plate walking lunges, 25/15kg
Post time to whiteboard.
Thursday 2/28
speed back squat 10×5, resting 1:00 between sets then
5x500m row, with varying intensities while maintaining 24-26 SPM and 2:00 rests.
Post back squat loads to whiteboard.
Friday 3/1
CGO 19.2 – Any predictions?
Saturday 3/2
CGO 19.2 Event
We go until everyone’s done!
Sunday 3/3
CGO 15.3
AMRAP in 13:00
150 wall ball, 20/14lbs to 10/9′
90 double
30 muscle-ups
Post score to whiteboard.
+ You Don’t Need Sports Drinks to Stay Hydrated – FiveThirtyEight
+ Florence Nightingale: Saving Lines With Statistics – BBC
+ #HYFRsquad Leadboard – CrossFit Games