Week of 4/15 Through 4/21

Maia lunges as judge Zheng watches closely


Monday 4/15


27-21-15-9 reps for time:
DB squat cleans (2×50/35lbs)

100 double unders between each set.

Tuesday 4/16


for time:
50 box jumps, 20″
50 jumping pullups
50 perfectly-vertical kettlebell swings, 16/12kg
50 walking lunges
50 knees-to-elbows
50 push press, 20/15kg
50 back extensions*
50 wall ball, 20/14# to 10/9′
50 burpees
50 double unders

FILTHY FIFTY – Performance

for time:
50 box jumps, 32/24″
50 jumping pullups
50 perfectly-vertical kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
50 walking lunges, 24/16kg
50 knees-to-elbows
50 kb push press, 24/16kg
50 hip extensions*
50 wall ball, 20/14# to 11/10′
50 burpees over bell
50 UB double unders

Wednesday 4/17

3-5 rounds to ramp up to a 1RM bench press and within :30 begin the pullups. Any grip is allowed as long as the range of motion is complete. Scoring: Multiply the bench press by the number of pullups completed. Scaling: Jumping c2b pullups or ring rows

tabata air squats by 4:00 of muscle-ups

After the eighth Tabata Squat interval the athlete gets ten more seconds of rest and then has 4 minutes to complete as many muscle-ups as possible. The muscle-ups need not be consecutive, i.e., without rest. All squats must be from below parallel to full extension of the hip and leg. Scoring: the Tabata Squat score (weakest number of squats in each of eight intervals of twenty seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest) multiplied by the number of muscle-ups completed within four minutes. Total time for test: 8 minutes. Modifications: With regard to the muscle-up, there are two possibilities for adaptation. One is to assist manually – someone pushing the athlete up. The other is to replace the muscle-up with
four minutes of pull-ups and dips.

Thursday 4/18

AMRAP in 30:00
30 double unders
15 calories row/bike/ski
30 double unders
15 calories bike/ski/row
400m run

Friday 4/19

AMRAP in 12 minutes
3-6-9-12-15-18-etc of
ground-to-overhead, 70/50kg

Saturday 4/20

in pairs for time:
1200m run together
100 calorie row, broken up
80 synchro wall ball, 20/14lbs to 10/9′
60 synchro med ball cleans, 20/14lbs

Sunday 4/21

AMRAP in 20:00
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats


+ Positive Mantras – Invictus Fitness
+ Add Years to Your Life By Increasing Muscle Power, Not Muscle StrengthStudyFinds
+ “I Don’t Find Muscular Women Attractive,” One Wife’s Tale – Morning Chalk Up