Week of 6/10 to 6/16

RUN CLUB is back Wednesdays at 6:30pm! Everyone is welcome- we cater to all levels of endurance.
Monday 6/10
6×10 push press, then
AMRAP in 12:00
9 chest-to-bar pullups
18 box jump overs, 24/20″
AMRAP in 12:00
2/1 legless rope climbs
12 box jumps, 36/24″
Tuesday 6/11
5 rounds for time:
400m run
30 db lunges, 50/35lbs
30 db deadlifts (R), 50/35lbs
30 db deadlifts (L), 50/35lbs
100 double unders
30 db swings
Wednesday 6/12 – Run Club is back at 6:30pm!
- pause back squat 5×5 at 70-75% of 1RM
- tabata front squat, 52/38kg
- 30 muscle-ups for time
Thursday 6/13
100 bar-facing burpees for time. EMOM perform 5 power cleans, 61/43kg
Friday 6/14
AMRAP in 20:00:
1 strict pull-up, 2 push-ups, 3 squats
2 strict pull-ups, 4 push-ups, 6 squats
3 strict pull-ups, 6 push-ups, 9 squats
Start at a higher round if you think it will allow you to complete more reps in the 12 minutes—e.g., 5-10-15, then 6-12-18, then 7-14-21, etc.
Saturday 6/15
YGIG for max score in 30:00
500m row
100 single unders
max hang snatches, 43/29kg
Sunday 6/16
Fight Gone Bad protocol
3 rounds: 1:00 intervals of 5 exercises, with 1:00 break after.
We’re in Week 2 of programming. Olympic Weightlifting will focus on proper sequencing and timing at heavier loading. Powerlifting is in the Volume Phase of this cycle.
+ The Cervical Vertebrae – CrossFit
+ 25 Ways to Use Vital Proteins Collagen Products – Vital Proteins
+ The CrossFit Games’ Blowhard Card and Hunter McIntyre – Turbo Geeks