Monday 7/22/19

This week is TEST WEEK so we’ll establish a time for today’s workout for a retest in the future, a barbell race, strict press max, Death By Presses, a row effort, a retest of a gymnastics chipper for late June, MURPH retest on Saturday, and EMOM snatch/clean & jerks. Rest, recover, and make sure you sleep well and eat well!
CrossFit WOD for Monday 7/22
back squat 10×2 at 32X1, then
21-15-9 reps for time:
thrusters, 52/38kg
Run 400m at the end of each round. Post time to whiteboard!
It’s Test Week in our Barbell Classes! Let’s max out some snatch doubles and clean & jerk doubles and set a benchmark for the rest of Summer.
+ Behind Closed Doors with the City Council and Pro Sports – Ann Davison Sattler for City Council
+ Should We Replace Mental Health Meds With Exercise? – Big Think