Saturday 7/20/19 & Sunday 7/21/19

CrossFit WOD for Saturday 7/20
5 rounds for time YGIG:
30 wall ball, 20/14lbs
30 sumo deadlift high-pull, 35/25kg
30 box jump, 20″
30/20 calorie row
30 burpee
20 power clean, 35/25kg
20 front lunge, 35/25kg
Post partners and time to whiteboard!
Covering SLIPS (Scales, L-sits, Inversions, Planks, and Stretching) as a means to improve your gymnastic abilities, as well as provide a framework for practice before and after classes.
Community Class at 12pm.
Every body is free to join- just show up 10 minutes before class to fill out a waiver.
CrossFit WOD for Sunday 7/21
for time:
800m run
50 pullups
100 pushups
150 air squats
800m run
Partition the pullups, pushups, and squats as needed. If you have a vest/body armor, wear it! Post time to whiteboard!
+ On His 80th Birthday, This CrossFit Trainer Finished a Workout That Would Humble Anyone – BarBend