Monday 3/16

Some updates:
The Spartan Race has been postponed to later in the year. While we’ve been training we don’t want it to go to waste so we will be running our own obstacle course race that original event day, Saturday the
CrossFit WOD for Monday 3/16/2020
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time:
double unders
then back squat 8×4
Share time and back squat weight to whiteboard! Post-workout should be 2-3 rounds of heel walking (30 steps or so), 1:00 in the arch, and 30-60s chair stretch/side.
Barbell Club – Week 3 of 4
In Olympic Weightlifting we’re going to wave up and down to check technique. In Powerlifting we continue our speed sets. Do you feel faster in execution yet?
At-Home WOD #1
TABATA wide-grip pushups, front squats, and situps. Rest at least 1:00 between efforts.
A tabata interval is :20 of maximal rep work then :10 of rest, repeated for 8 rounds/4:00. The goal is this workout is to go ALL OUT every interval, taking note of your reps.
Use your a stop watch function on your watch or phone, listen to these tabata pop covers on Spotify, or find any an app for timing!
You can grab the AT-HOME WORKOUTS BINGO sheet here, or at the gym.
READ: Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty – AFSP
WATCH: Do you butt wink?
A friend just turned me on to this site for at home workout ideas. I love the names in the combat filter: