Case of the Mondays

A couple of clarifications about the next FOUR Fridays:
– The evenings won’t be run like a traditional class, but as a member you should still come in to do your workout: we’ll have warmups and skill prep written on a whiteboard for you to follow!
– You don’t have to be registered to throw down during FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS.
– You don’t have to have completed the Online Judges Course to judge anyone.
– If you are retesting you are responsible for providing your own judge.
– If you really care about improving your performance record your workouts so you can analyze it (like in the video below)
– The three raffles for Friday Night Lights are for everyone who is present. There are many ways to earn tickets.
Leaderboards as of Sunday evening
– FCF Ladies
– FCF Gents
CrossFit WOD for Monday 10/14
AMRAP in 10:00 of
200m run
max unbroken pullups
then take 10:00 to establish a front squat 1RM
Post results to whiteboard!
READ: “Goodnight Moon,” Almost 75 Years Later – LA Review of Books
WATCH: How to Video Reveiw to Improve Your Repeat – Training Think Tank