Want Results?

From the beginning of CrossFit in every iteration of an affiliate gym there was always a place where daily results were logged. CrossFit.com had/still has the comment section. Some gyms had chalk boards, some used paper journals. Most use whiteboards. Nowadays many affiliates use computer kiosks with software systems*. We stay “old school” at FCF and do our best with the 8 or so whiteboards in our space.
As Ben Bergeron has said
In an era of high-tech everything, we’re often asked why we haven’t upgraded our old-fashioned system for something sleeker. The answer is simple—there is no technology or software that can match the community-building power of the whiteboard. It’s the first place we go when we arrive each day, and the last place we visit before leaving. We learn there, laugh there, and bond there. There’s never a line to get there, and nothing to click through or navigate.
… Together, they tell the ever-changing story of us—our successes, challenges, breakthroughs, hard-won lessons, and all the emotion in between.
This is why it’s important to get your results up on our whiteboards. Not only does it keep you accountable to do the same amount of hard work everyone else is putting in, but the results dictate the future programming. As a group, if we aren’t great at testing thrusters, guess what we start working on? If we hear tons of complaining when it comes to running performance what do you think we’ll start seeing more of? All the same, when people enjoy the frequency of some back squats, I’ll keep it going weekly until I feel like we need to move on.
The programming isn’t always out to only attack weakness- we still prescribe to the roots of the CrossFit methodology: constantly varied functional movements executed at a relatively-high intensity. This means you’ll come across movements you love, movements you loathe, and movements you’ve never tried before.
At FCF we to have a more intelligent approach, making sure we’re varying it up enough to keep you stimulated.
Keep your progress going- proudly put up your results at the gym!
CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 10/15
every minute on the minute for 10:00
– 3 hang clean + 3 jerks (novice/intermediate)
– 3 hang clean thruster (intermediate/advanced)
3 rounds for time:
90 double unders
40 dumbbell hang clean & jerks, 50/35/20lbs
Switch hands every 5 reps for the dbjc&j. Post time to whiteboard!
READ: My Top 5 Breathing Exercises for Stress Relief – Chris Kresser
REGISTER: Carl Paoli’s MUSCLE-UP MASTER CLASS at Foundation CrossFit – Freestyle Connection
WATCH: How the Two-Hour Marathon Limit Was Broken – WIRED