CrossFit WOD for Monday 3/9/2020
2 rounds for time:
12 burpees
12 thrusters
12 burpees
12 power snatch
12 burpees
12 push jerks
12 burpees
12 hang squat cleans
12 burpees
12 overhead squats
Rx = 52/38/25kg. 24:00 time cap. Share time to whiteboard!
READ: Tips For Staying Healthy – UCSF Health
WATCH: “Hafthor “The Mountain” Bjornsson took center stage once again in Columbus, Ohio, winning the Arnold Strongman Classic for a third consecutive year, with Mateusz Kieliszkowski finishing a close second and Martins Licis taking third. The competition featured six events across two days, with unique implements provided by Rogue Fitness, including the monstrous “Wheel of Pain,” a Husafell Stone replica, and the centerpiece of the final event, the iconic Cyr Dumbbell.”