Support Your Local Box Fundraiser – Event 2 Workout

I did the workout yesterday live at 4:30pm on IG and YouTube:

Went through a warmup, skills, the workout, then (on YouTube only) I did some cool down stretches.

Saturday morning you can join us at 10am on Zoom for a YOGA class with Ivan!

Sunday morning at 10am Team Mots will run a HIIT class, at 12pm Dave will be doing another cooking class.

WORKOUT for Saturday 4/11/2020

Rx Division

for time:
100 double unders
21 burpees
75 double unders
15 burpees
50 double unders
9 burpees

Scaled Division

for time:
50 jumping jacks
15 burpees
35 jumping jacks
12 burpees
20 jumping jacks
9 burpees

2nd Serving – Need More Work? (Strength-Bias)

Rest as needed between each of the following four efforts.
a. tabata bottom-to-bottom squats
b. tabata top-to-top dive-banded pushups
c. max hang power cleans in 5:00 (Ideally a pair of 50/35/20lbs. Goal is 70+ reps.)
d. 30 of each version of calf raises: feet parallel, toes out, toes in, R-side only, L-side only, toes in, toes out, feet parallel)

HSPU Strength Ladder

EMOM x 5:00 of 1-2-1

READ: 5 Fitness-Inspired Videos to Watch While You’re Stuck at Home – Morning Chalk Up

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