Monday 6/29

Tons of emails in your inbox from us…

… Expect another one mid-morning today! We’re starting a WORKOUTS WEEKLY newsletter to fill all of our active members in on the news, the programming, and all the media we’ve been working on through the week. It will also contain the links to all of this week’s Workout Prep Videos, our Stretch videos, a preview of the In-Gym STRENGTH workouts, and more.

Otherwise the blog will continue to sharing the CONDITIONING workouts for at home or outside.

WORKOUT for Monday 6/29/2020


a. every minute on the minute for 10:00 do 10 odd-object cleans

b. as many reps as possible in 20:00 of
5 odd-object deadlifts
10 pushups
15 burpees

Quiet-Neighbor Option: do step-burpees and ensure you don’t drop the odd-object!

Post results to comments!

2nd Serving: Need More Work?

E4MOM x 3
20 Pogo Burpees
20 Deadlifts

Rx – 61/43kg Find good flow with the burpees and hammer the deads. Weight should be very doable for 20 reps, maybe 1 or 2 breaks at max.

Pullup Strength Ladder: every minute on the minute x3 do 1-2-1 reps of your best strength progression

READ: Oatmeal Is Still the World’s Best Performance Breakfast – Outside Online
WATCH: Marsha P Johnson is a hero