Friday 11/20 – EXPELLIARMUS

CONDITIONING for Champagne Friday 11/20/2020


10 rounds for time:
8 goblet squats
8 handstand/hand-release pushups

Do whichever version of the push you have. If you have any handstand pushups, try to do the first handful of reps (no more than three attempts) each round before turning them into hand-release. If you don’t have any HSPU then do T-pushups. Eight reps per movement shouldn’t be too hard, but localized fatigue in the shoulders and legs will occur so rest to recharge before going again.

25:00 time cap. Post times to comments.

It’s Friday- hit the work day hard, hit your workout harder, then hit that relaxation for the weekend the hardest.

READ: Urge Congress to Include Help For Gyms in the COVID-19 Relief Plan – Community Gyms Coalition

It’s so important that we support all our favorite small and local businesses so we can all get through the winter together. Spend early if you can so they can pay their employees and their bills. We can’t thank you enough for your support through the years and plan to be here as long as we can- as we all know working on our fitness and health isn’t something that’s as easy or doable without a community.

The link above takes you do a fill form to email your officials to help the national fitness communities that are so important to so many of us.