Wednesday 11/18 – LATTE

We plan to bring back our Shoot the Shit Q&A’s on Instagram, which we ran during the initial shutdown. Have any questions or things you’d like us to discuss? Comment and we’ll see you at 3pm this Friday on our @foundationgym instagram.

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 11/17/2020


go as far as possible in 7:00
4-8-12-16-20-etc reps of
alternating devil’s presses
lateral burpee over dumbbell

This means you do 4 devil’s presses, 4 lateral burpee, 8 devil’s press, 8 lateral burpee, 12/12, etc.

Post score to comments!


1 reply
  1. Sandi Philippen
    Sandi Philippen says:

    i’d like a shoot-the-sh*t series on how to keep working out while rehabbing an injury. i don’t know how to split it up because it’s such a huge subject & each injury would be wildly variable. but we could start with some more common themes like what sort of modifications can you make to continue squatting, deadlifting, lifting overhead with a low back injury? or, same exercises but while you’re recovering from an injured ankle. or, how to maintain your overhead strength if you’ve tweaked your wrist or shoulder. happy to help flush out ideas, but this may be a bigger bear than its worth attempting! 🙂

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