Monday 12/21 – KARAMU
We’re starting a fun new challenge to keep you moving at home: welcome to the 12 Days of FOUNDATION
Everyday on our instagram we will be posting a picture along with some exercises to do that day, creating a long form variant of our usual 12 Days of CrossFit workout that learned from CrossFit Seattle way back in the day.
Here’s what was posted yesterday:
View this post on Instagram
We’ll also be posting the exercises here. Speaking of which today is 2 WALL WALKS. Go check out our instagram for the entire post including exercise demos!
CONDITIONING for Monday 12/21/2020
AMRAP in 15:00
70-50-30 push press, 20/15kg
60-40-20 step-ups, 20/15kg
Ideally done with an empty barbell, you can do this with any loading you might have- a backpack works well! If you don’t have a box or anything to step-up on then just do lunges. Goal is at least one round. Post results to comments!
WATCH: Skills, Workout, and Cool down of today’s workout in the video below