Tuesday 11/22
SKILLS for Tuesday 11/22/2022 is the CLEAN
CompEx for Tues 11/22
shoulder prehab
E:90 x5 do 1 snatch balance + 1 overhead squats, 70-85%
E:90 x3 do a 3-positional snatch (hang snatch, below knee snatch, snatch), 50%
E:90 x10 do 1 pause power snatch + snatch
for time:
800m run
15 DB snatch, 2x 20/35/50lbs
max unbroken toes-to-bar
2:00 rest
Repeat for 4 sets or when 60 t2b are completed, whichever comes first.
GYMNASTICS for Tues 11/22
3+ rounds of 10 reps each:
– double pause tempo ring row
– pike handstand pushup + 4 taps
– front scale to back scale/side
2+ rounds
:10 pullup hold + :20 hang
20 plank hip taps
:30 single-arm plank/side
:40 hollow rock