The top limit of our pullup standard at FCF is ‘chin higher than hands’. Note how even scaling pullups to ring rows we can accomplish this range of motion for every rep.
We have a BRING-A-FRIEND CrossFit class this Saturday at noon. RSVP!
BINGO Cards are due by the end of next Monday.
CrossFit WOD for Thursday 1/2/2020
back squat 12x3x60 then 100 gymnastics-style pullups for time
Share time to whiteboard! Post workout should be side rolling for 2-3:00 per side. Follow it up with a underhand sink stretch for 2:00 for the bicep/elbow joint.
Thanks for coming out this past Saturday for the Annual FCF Not-Holiday Party!
It’s max week, so let’s test/retest a bunch of important fitness skills and capWhat to look forward to this week: 10-rep max bench press, 100 pullups or 30 muscle-ups, kinda KAREN + ANNIE, The Big Clean Complex, CGO 14.4, CGO 12.3, JT, EMOM lifts, and more!
Note for Week 5: If you miss a rep in either the snatch or clean & jerk you can no longer go up in weight. You must drop down 10% and hit 3 sets of 2 reps focusing on what caused the failure.
Kettlebell WOD
Ground force
Turkish Get Up skill work
Strength Day #5
9 reps per arm per minute for 10 minutes. 19:30:072017-01-24 22:31:27Welcome to Max Week