Tag Archive for: bench press 5×3

Coach Scott figures out an effective way to hold the dumbbell for step-ups

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday, September 17th

bench press: bar/10, 50/5, 70/3, 80/3, 90/3+

5 rounds, each for time:
500m row
24 toes-to-bar
12 db hang clean & jerk, 50/35lbs

Rest exactly 2:00 between rounds. Post total time to completion to whiteboard.

READ: Human Power Output and CrossFit MetCon Workouts – CrossFit.com
WATCH: Feeding the Frasers: With Sammy Moniz and Mat Fraser – Working Against Gravity

Guillaume and Olga and baby Taco


Upper Cross Syndrome – Airrosti

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 11/30

for time:
21 push press
42 k2e
15 push press
30 k2e
9 push press
18 k2e

12:00 time cap, then 5×3 bench press

Post time to whiteboard!

HIIT WOD – 12pm

Long Interval


20 Ball Slams
1 Full Rope Pull

Cool Down: Bro-ga

HIIT WOD – 5:30pm

Long Interval


Tabata intervals of:
KB Deadlifts
Plate V Ups
Ball Slams
Broad Jumps
Dbl Db Reverse Lunge
1min rest between movements