Tag Archive for: hspu

I was fortunate enough to receive this email from one of our own long-tenured athlete Sandi Pants:


Going back to old times with a recipe exchange!  As the world is social distancing right now, many of us are experimenting in our kitchens to help pass the time.  So you have been invited to be a part of a Quarantine Cooking recipe exchange!  Yay!

Please send a recipe to the person whose name is in position #1 (even if you don’t know them) and it should be something quick, easy and without rare ingredients.  Actually, the best one is the one you know in your head and can type right now.  Don’t agonize over it… It is the recipe you make when you are short on time.

After you’ve sent your recipe to the person in position #1 below (and only to that person), copy this email into a new email, move my name to the top and put your name in position #2.  Only my and your name should show when you send your email. Send to 20 friends via BCC.

If you cannot do this within 5 days, let me know so it will be fair to those participating.  You should receive 36 recipes.  It’s fun to see where they come from!  Seldom does anyone drop out because we all need new ideas.  The turnaround is fast, as there are only 2 names on the list and you only have to do this once.

In the meantime, stay safe, stay healthy, and STAY HOME.

Happy QuarantineCooking!

Hopefully it’ll get to YOU soon, but since I’m now part of that chain I need people to send this to so COMMENT down below and I’ll get you added to my recipe list!

WORKOUT OF THE DAY for Thursday 4/16/2020

for time:
20 handstand pushups
30 DB Devil’s presses
40 pistols (20 per side, however)
50 DB front squats
60 v-ups


No Equipment Option
for time:
20 pike pushups with feet elevated
30 double pushup burpees
40 pistols (20 per side, however)
50 front squats with heavy odd-object
60 v-ups

2nd Serving – Need More Work? (Strength-Bias)

3-6-9-15-21-27 reps for quality
overhead squats
snatch-grip RDL + bent over row
handstand pushups

HSPU Strength Ladder

every 2:00 on the minute x 2 do 1-2-3-2-1 reps

READ: If You’re Running During Quarantine and Wondering How to Stay Safe and Healthy, These Tips Might Help – BuzzFeed News


When December rolls around we’ll see the return of FCF Bingo!


Cyber Monday 11/26

WODAPALOOZA Online Qualifier 18.4
AMRAP in 16 minutes:
devil press
alternating dumbbell step-up

Rx = 2×50/35lbs, 24/20″
Scaled = 1×30/20lbs, 20/12″

Post score to whiteboard.

Taco Tuesday 11/27

starting with an empty barbell every :90 perform a SNATCH for as long as possible adding 2-5kg every time. when you can no longer snatch you will CLEAN & JERK for as long as possible, still adding weight every successful lift. when you can no longer clean & jerk you will DEADLIFT for as long as possible.

Post heaviest load for each lift to the whiteboard.

Working Womxn’s Wednesday 11/28


3 rounds for time:
75 air squats
25 pullups
15 handstand pushups


3 rounds for time:
75 air squats
25 jumping chest-to-bar pullups
15 perfect pushups


3 rounds for time:
50 pistols, alternating
25 chest-to-bar pullups
15 strict handstand pushups

Post time to whiteboard.

Thursday 11/29

10 rounds for time:
12 medicine ball cleans, 20/14lbs
6 ring dips
3 bar muscle-ups
1 rope climb

Post times to whiteboard.

Benchmark Friday 11/30


6 rounds, each for max reps:
1:00 calorie row
1:00 burpees
1:00 double unders
1:00 rest

Try for as many reps as possible of EACH exercise, not just total score.

Post separate totals of calories rowed, burpee reps and double under reps completed to whiteboard.

Team Saturday 12/1

in teams of two or three, for time:
90 jerks, 85/61kg
80 ab-mat situps
70 dips
60 kettlebell swings, 32/24kg
50 front squats, 85/61kg
40 burpee over bar
30 sumo deadlifts, 85/61kg
20 rope climbs

Post teams and times to whiteboard.

 Sunday 12/2

back squat 7×4
push press 6×4
power clean 5×4

Post attendance to whiteboard.


+ Sorry, Hipsters. CBD Will Not Solve All Your Problems – Mother Jones
+ Breathing Through the Nose May Offer Unique Brain Benefits – NY Times
+ One Mother’s Journey: From Olympic Trials to CrossFit Games – Morning Chalk Up

Throwback Thursday: Open Season at CrossFit SLU


+ Late Sleepers Are Tired of Being Discriminated Against. And Science Has Their Back – Vox

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 3/15


21-15-9 rounds for time:
deadlift, 102/65kg
handstand pushups

Post time to whiteboard!

Carl Paoli and Andrea


+ Mini-Challenge FOUR: Iron Chef – Foundation CrossFit Nutrition

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 3/13


Rx – AMRAP in 30 minutes:
6 dips
9 c2b pullups
12 pistols, alternating
15′ handstand walk

Scaled – AMRAP in 30 minutes:
3 cast wall walks
6 dip negatives
9 c2b pullup negatives
12 rolling pistols

Consider today active recovery/skill development if you’d like. Otherwise push it to the limit. Post score to whiteboard!

CompEx WOD – 6am

MFT #1409

Gymnastics Strength WOD

handstand pushup development



EMOM x 10
2 shuttle runs
4 ring rows/jumping pull-ups
6 reverse lunges
8 jumping jacks



3 rounds 1:00 hold/:30 active recovery

  • plank/plate walk overs
  • arch hold/bird dog
  • wall sit/squat jacks
  • hollow body/sit ups
  • glute bridge/single leg hip extension


YGIG for 15:00
4 pushup + wall ball pass
6 wall balls
8 dynamax sit ups