We have three athletes competing this weekend at the 2018 Armor Classic this weekend at Armor Athletics in Tacoma (formerly known as Trident Athletics). Wish Johnrey, Andrew S, and Andrew B good luck!
+ The 2018 CrossFit Online Judges Course is live! – CrossFit Games
CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 1/24
for time:
300 double unders
300 double unders
200 air squats
100 T-pushups
then bench press 3-3-3-2-2-2
Post time to whiteboard!
Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 3/7, Day 2/4
deadlift + high pull + clean, rack jerks, front squats
Powerlifting WOD – Week 3/7, Day 2/4
wide grip floor press 1RM
ME floor press, 60/45kg
3xME bamboo bar
Kettlebell WOD
10 (alternating) medium windmills to prep for TGU, strict sit ups, side bends, Chinese planks, Simple & Sinister