Tag Archive for: MobilityWOD

Coach Dave at the 2019 Cascade Classic

Have you ever tested your fitness in competition?

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 11/13

back squat 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1, then

Start with an empty bar and press every minute on the minute, immediately adding 1-5kg after each successful lift.

Post loads to whiteboard!

READ: Top 8 Things I Learned From My First Weightlifting Competition – Nick Hetzler

WATCH: Are Your Shoulders Limiting Your Squatting Power?

Paul demonstrates a vertical dip with the barbell

Staying rooted in the entirety of the foot during the dip phase of a jerk is important in generating the power necessary to elevate the barbell!


+ Why Toe Shoes? – Birthday Shoes

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 7/19

5 rounds for max load:
5 power cleans
5 front squats
5 push jerks

Rest 3:00 to 5:00 between sets.

Post heaviest successful load to whiteboard!


5 rounds
1 minute intervals
20 jumping jacks
*every 5 jumping jacks, 1 burpee

5 rounds
1 minute intervals
20 Ball slams
*every 5 ball slams, 1 burpee

5 rounds
1 minute intervals
20 Sit ups
*every 5 situps, 1 push up

5 rounds
1 minute intervals
20 Air Squats
*every 5 air squats, 1 broad jump

Endurance WOD – Do this on your own!

TEMPO: 5 rounds of a 5:00 run, 1:00 walk

Start at a pace where you can only get faster, but the intensity and effort stay consistent during the run. Walk to bring your heart rate down and practice a drill to sharpen your next run.

– OR –

TIME: Run continuously for 30:00. Record distance completed.

We’re open for classes today! 9am/10am/11am CrossFit and 12pm Olympic Weightlifting

This week we’ll see a lot of multiple-layer workouts with 1:1 work rest ratios: front squats, sprint chippers, run intervals, hang power snatches, a row/pushup/push press sprint followed by a situp/wall ball couplet, a repeat of a raw CinDT, a farewell workout of rowing and and Armor Building, and my birthday back squats/EMOM lifts!


+ Noah Ohlson / Alex Anderson Hurricane Harvey Relief Raffle – RallyUp

CrossFit WOD for Monday 9/4

3 rounds for time:
2 rounds of “CINDY” (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats)
1 round of “DT” (12 deadlifts, 9 hang power cleans, 6 push jerks)

Post time to whiteboard / comments!

Deadline to enter your scores to games.crossfit.com is tonight at 5pm! Do it now if you haven’t. Check again to make sure your score has been validated!

17.1 squad says ENTER YOUR SCORE!

11:59pm is the deadline to send in your Judges Course certificate PDF to info@ to earn your JUDGEMENT points for your FCF Intramural Team!


+ Macro-Friendly Shopping at Trader Joe’s – Working Against Gravity

CrossFit WOD for Monday 2/27

bench press 4x8x75%, then


27-21-15-9 reps for time:
hang squat snatch

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

lifts: back squats, snatch + overhead squats, snatch push presses

accessories: kettlebell split squat, kettlebell power swing, kettlebell Chinese row

Kettlebell WOD

Goal: work on swing mechanics

Ground force

Swing drills

Swing/Press ladder

The CrossFit Games Open (and the FCF Intramural Open. Learn about it here!) start this weekend! The first workout will be released and as always Dave Castro is posting hints to instagram:

via @thedavecastro ・・・ 17.1

A post shared by The CrossFit Games (@crossfitgames) on

What does this mean? Could it be a classic workout? Something with deadlifts? INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW!


+ CrossFit Games Athlete Alex Anderson on How to Crush the 2017 Open – BarBend

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 2/21

in 25 minutes:
– establish a 1RM press then
– establish a 1RM push press then
– push press 3x8x60 with 2:00 rests


3 rounds for time:
10 slam ball, 30/20#
10 burpees

Compare to 1/31/2017. Post maxes and time to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD


1. OH hold
2. goblet squats
3. pushups
4. pull-ups/ring rows
5. OH lunges
6. burpees

1 minute of midline work after each tabata.