SKILLS for Thursday 7/28/2022 is the CLEAN
MOBILITY for Thurs 7/28
READ: How Rich Froning Uses Breath Training to Prepare for the CrossFit Games – Morning Chalk Up
SKILLS for Thursday 7/28/2022 is the CLEAN
MOBILITY for Thurs 7/28
READ: How Rich Froning Uses Breath Training to Prepare for the CrossFit Games – Morning Chalk Up
WORKOUT for Friday 9/24/2021
posterior accessories then 5 sets of a snatch + overhead squat
CGO 21.1
for time/15:00 cap
1-3-6-9-15-21 wall walks
10-30-60-90-150-210 double under
Post total completed reps to whiteboard.
WATCH: The 2014 CrossFit Games
In the receiving position of a power jerk or push jerk you should find yourself as vertical as possible with the knees driving forward and out.
As usual, the barbell should be balanced over the shoulder blades and ankles.
CONDITIONING for Thursday 5/6/2021
AMRAP in 12:00
12 DB snatches
12 situps
12 deficit step-downs
For both the snatches and step-downs do 6 on each side to break up the 12 reps rather than alternating reps. Post score to comments!
READ: The Real-Life Diet of CrossFit Pro Rich Froning, Who Nerds Out on Macros and Single-Origin Coffee – GQ
Do you prefer to hang on bars with an open or closed grip?
A closed-grip activates your forearms for a stronger clasp on the bar, but because of that activation your grip gives out sooner.
An open grip is more comfortable (especially those with smaller hands), but doesn’t guarantee secure contact.
Depending on the exercise you might use one over the other!
IN-GYM WORKOUT for Wednesday 4/7/2021
10 rounds for time:
20 pushups
3 deadlifts, 60/103/145kg
Make these deadlifts heavy but doable. Double overhand until failure then you can mix your grip. Pushups don’t have to be hand-release, but it may help your pacing.
READ: Finding His Purpose: “I Never Would Have Done This CrossFit Shit Otherwise,” Says Military Veteran, Below-the-Knee Amputee – Morning Chalk Up
Looks like we’re finally getting a barbell in this year’s Open. Even then, the Equipment-Free option looks like a great challenge!
CONDITIONING for Friday 3/26/2021
Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes:
a. 12 burpees
b. 24 medicine ball push press
c. 12 medicine ball cleans
d. 36 plank jacks
Modify the numbers as needed-try to complete each of the movements in 40 seconds or less, at least for the first two rotations. Medicine ball should be about 20/14lbs+ so keep that in mind if you’re modifying the equipment.
Post results to comments.
READ: CrossFit Open 21.3 & 21.4 Workout Descriptions and Strategies – Morning Chalk Up
We are proud to feature the 2nd Shadowboxing class from Manny! Enjoy:
WORKOUT for Saturday 5/24/2020
200 jumping jacks, EMOM do 5 (pogo) burpees over a line
200 bicycle crunches, EMOM do 10 frog pumps
200 mountain climbers, EMOM do 5 (plyo) pushups
These efforts aren’t necessarily for time, but every minute on the minute you’ll have to do some extra work!
Share experiences to comments.
HSPU Strength Ladder: do 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 reps one time through
READ: Breaking: Details Announced For Mayhem Madness – Morning Chalk Up
This Saturday Adrian will be competing in a weightlifting meet himself!
+ Bachmeyer’s Inspiration For Looped Open Video From Keanu Reeves Film Speed – The Overheard Press
CrossFit WOD for Friday 4/14
3 rounds for time:
30 squat cleans, 43/29kg
30 pullups
800m run
Compare to 13MAY2016. Post time to whiteboard.
Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 3, Day 3
no feet snatch + snatch + snatch balance, no feet clean + clean + jerk, overhead squat OR strict press + push press + jerk
Chinese plank, db tricep kickback/side, hanging leg raise, broad jump
Mailing Address
1122 E Pike St. #1385
Seattle, WA 98122
Physical Address
1415 12th Ave
Seattle, WA, 98122