WORKOUT for Friday 12/3/2021
21-15-9 reps for time:
deadlift, 65/102kg
(strict) HSPU
Post time to whiteboard!
WORKOUT for Friday 12/3/2021
21-15-9 reps for time:
deadlift, 65/102kg
(strict) HSPU
Post time to whiteboard!
Summer competitions are coming! Test your CrossFit stuff in teams or as individuals. Look at the FCF Level 2 / Foundation Barbell group for news and updates.
“Handles” going overhead at last year’s Battle at the Ballpark
+ Coaches Corner: Prepping For Murph – Beyond the Whiteboard
CrossFit WOD for Friday 5/18
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
10 push presses, 52/38kg
10 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
10 box jumps, 24/20″
Post total reps completed to whiteboard!
Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 2/3, Day 3/3
hang snatches 80/3 (3)
hang cleans 80/3 (3)
GHR 3×12
ab-rollouts 3×12
lat flys 3×12
50 banded good mornings
Powerlifting WOD – Week 2/3, Day 3/3
deadlifts 90/3+
db chest press 5×12
db row 5×12
reverse hyper 5×12
Kettlebell WOD
A) Rack pull deadlifts 10×2 @ 85-90%
B) 50-40-30-20-10 reps ft:
goblet squats
kb swings
Mark during last year’s CrossFit Games Open
Apparently registration for the 2018 CrossFit Games Open opens later this week. It begins in less than 50 days. Who’s ready to build the crew?
+ The Only Nutrition Article You’ll Ever Need – WODprep
CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 1/9
establish a heavy load for each of these:
– hang snatch 3-rep
– hang clean 3-rep
– front squat 3RM
Post results to whiteboard!
CompEx WOD
3 rounds for time:
7 muscle-ups
14 power snatches, 50%
21 cal
then AMRAP in 10 minutes: 10m weighted lunges
Long Interval
T-spine work
– reach, roll, lift
– pretzel twist
– banded wall back extension
3:00 on, 1:00 off for 6 cycles
two in, two out (each direction)
15 T-pushups
max cal row
2:00 on, 1:00 off for 5 cycles
– 30 lateral hops over mb
– max squat thrust slam ball
The double under is a higher-level skill that takes tons of coordination. If you don’t have coordination it will take megatons of practice and concentration. See the linked article for a nice training program!
+ Are You Tired of Tripping on Double Unders? – WODprep
CrossFit WOD for Thursday 4/13
for time:
10 deadlifts, 102/70kg
50 double unders
50 situps
8 deadlifts, 102/70kg
40 double unders
40 situps
6 deadlifts, 102/70kg
30 double unders
30 situps
4 deadlifts, 102/70kg
20 double unders
20 situps
2 deadlifts, 102/70kg
10 double unders
10 situps
Rx = 102/70kg, Fitness/Health = 61/43kg, Performance = 120/84kg. Alternatively use 60% of your 1RM deadlift.
Post time to whiteboard.
April 2017 Foundations WOD
500-400-300-200-100m row for time, while partner holds a double kettlebell rack
HellaFit WOD
1. burpees
2. squats
3. pushups
4. arch holds
5. OH lunges
6. power KBS
1 minute of midline or handstand work after each tabata.
Props to all those who showed up for yesterday’s NANCY and didn’t allow the cherry-picking side of yourself to take over! The grit in choosing to show up for training, whether you’re great at it or it’s THE limit to your capacity, makes the biggest difference in your fitness.
Nice work- really proud of y’all. Now let’s see if the legs hold up for today.
+ Rainier Beach Businesses Attempt to Thwart Crime With Beautified Storefronts – South Seattle Emerald
CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 4/11
27-21-15-9 reps for time:
hang squat snatch, 43/29kg
Rx = 43/29kg, Fitness/Health = 25/15kg, Performance = 52/38kg
Compare to Monday 27FEB2017. Post results to whiteboard!
HellaFit WOD
Also: Mark your calendars. Our GYMNASTIC STRENGTH class will be tested next Tuesday at 7am, then added to the calendar in May.
Mailing Address
1122 E Pike St. #1385
Seattle, WA 98122
Physical Address
1415 12th Ave
Seattle, WA, 98122