Entries by Andrew

Wednesday 8/12

Michi CONDITIONING for Wednesday 8/12/2020 3-5 rounds of :40 on, :20 rest a. front lunges b. v-ups c. jumping lunges d. weighted situp e. goblet squat (f. 2 min rest) Workout goes :40 front lunges, :20 rest, :40 v-ups, :20 rest, :40 jumping lunges, :20 rest, :40 weighted situps, :20 rest, :40 goblet squats, :20 […]

Tuesday 8/11

(Check your lanes for a new present!) CONDITIONING for Tuesday 8/11/2020 AMRAP in 10:00 for time: 10 sumo deadlift high pull 10 Right-arm press 10 sumo deadlift high pull 10 Left-arm press Post reps completed to comments. Pullup Strength Ladder (Week 7 of 12): EMOM x6 do 1-2-1 reps READ: Why One Neuroscientist Started Blasting […]

Monday 8/10

Tyler working on keeping the rib cage down while going overhead. CONDITIONING for Monday 8/10/2020 POP ROCKS AMRAP in 12:00 12 jumping lunges 12 power cleans 12 burpees Post results to comments. Warmup and workout with Gunnar here: Pullup Strength Ladder (Week 7 of 12): E2MOM do 1-2-3-2-1 reps READ: How Cities Can Tackle Violent […]

Sunday 8/9

CONDITIONING for Sunday 8/9/2020 “It is the quality of one’s convictions that determines success, not the number of followers.” -Remus Lupin tabata sumo squats immediately into tabata hi/lo planks AMRAP 20:00 20 v-ups 30 squat cleans, medium weight 40 bicycles 50 jumping jacks Ultimately, this workout is all about the squat cleans. The other movements […]

Saturday 8/8

CONDITIONING for Saturday 8/8/2020 Warm-up jog to a nearby park with a grassy and clean field (inspect it beforehand!) Complete 5 rounds of: 50′ bear crawl 50′ spider crawl 50′ duck walk 25 jumping air squats (AKA “frog jumps”) 1:00 rest OPTIONAL: bring a slam-ball if you have one and incorporate 25 gorilla ball-slams on […]

Friday 8/7

CONDITIONING for Friday 8/7/2020 “Working hard is important. But there is something that matters even more: believing in yourself.” -HP Tabata glute bridges to Tabata Cossack squats every minute on the minute x 30:00 a.) 16 overhead lunges b.) 40 speed skaters c.) 16 single leg squats d.) 40 Russian twists e.) 40 mountain climbers […]

Thursday 8/6

High volume banded bodybuilding for joint development and recovery CONDITIONING for Thursday 8/6/2020 “I mean, it’s sort of exciting, isn’t it? Breaking the rules.” -HG Tabata rotational chops directly into Tabata scap pushups 20:00 AMRAP 20 squat jacks 20 kb swings 20 burpees 20 pushups 20 double unders/penguin jumps (or 100m run!) Post results to comments! […]

Wednesday 8/5

Laura working some kettlebell juggling CONDITIONING for Wednesday 8/5/2020 “Being different isn’t a bad thing. It means you’re brave enough to be yourself.” -LL Tabata cossack squats immediately into Tabata broad jumps, then 21-15-9-3 reps for time: HSPU (or pike pushups) Jumping lunges We have another sprint! If you don’t have a wall or don’t […]

Tuesday 8/4

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 8/4/2020 “No good sittin’ worryin’ abou’ it. What’s comin’ will come, an’ we’ll meet it when it does.” -R tabata out and overhead squat directly into tabata pushup + 2 shoulder taps, then AMRAP 10:00 10 Bulgarian split squats, right leg 10 burpees 10 Bulgarian split squats, left leg 10 alt devil’s press […]

Monday 8/3

Tony teaching the Parallettes class on Zoom CONDITIONING for Monday 8/3/2020 “Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do, Potter.” – Professor McGonagall tabata plank jacks into tabata crunches, then 50-40-30-20-10 reps for time: Double unders or penguin jumps Situps Push press Despite the volume, this workout is a sprint. It’s an adaptation of […]