Our current barbell program is ending this week! Get registered for the next one before the next one begins on Monday, May 7th. No registration, no play, no exceptions!
Get ready for a load of information on the upcoming changes to our Barbell programs. Should all be up by end of the week.
+ The Brook Wells Controversy and Why It Matters – Morning Chalk Up
CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 4/18
snatch 1RM
Sandbag Runs (+/-) 60/40lbs
*Rest until you can bring the intensity once again.
Post heaviest snatch, fastest 400m, fastest 200m, and fastest 100m to whiteboard!
Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 7/7, Day 2/3
snatch 1RM
max height box jump
Powerlifting WOD – Week 7/7, Day 2/3
bench press 1RM
deadlift 1RM