Mon 8/19/19

CrossFit WOD for Monday, August 19th
overhead squat 7×4, then
AMRAP in 20:00
15 wall ball
400m run
15 wall ball
500m row
Goal is to use a weight that challenges you to do the wall ball sets unbroken. Post total wall balls completed to whiteboard!
It’s TEST WEEK so get your mind right: In the Olympic Weightlifting track you will max out a simple power + full sequence for the contested lifts, and a chance at overhead squat and front squat maxes. In Powerlifting you’ll have some opportunities to hit 1RM in any of the following: back squat, box squat, front squat, strict press, seated press, push press, bench press, sumo deadlift, and the conventional deadlift.
+ Predicting Snatch and Clean & Jerk 1RMs – Catalyst Athletics
+ Simone Biles: The GOAT Claims Her 6th National Championship – NBC Sports