Volunteers Needed This Weekend!
This weekend is the 2019 CrossFit Cascade Classic at Magnusson Park in Seattle. Foundation CrossFit have one team (Maia, Zheng, Bobby, and Devin) and two masters (Dave and Robyn) competing!

Like most local events it only runs as well if volunteers are available. Rather than just feeding you some good eats from NW Fit Meals (who also deliver their services to the gym), you’ll receive some swag, and if we can get FCF athletes to hit a certain threshold we can earn some new equipment for the gym.

Two shifts are available on the two days of competition: Shift 1 is 7am to 1pm, Shift 2 is 12:30pm to 6:30pm. We don’t anticipate an actual full shift, but having people on site just in case is preferable. You’ll have time to watch the competition, peruse the vendors, and more!
All FCF volunteers will be entered to win one of multiple prize packages including a RPM Scout Rope, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, Average Broz White Magic tape, and more!
Fill out the form for volunteering here: https://thecascadeclassic.com/volunteer
Help us out, support your fellow swole mates, and the gym!