Week in Preview: 7/10 through 7/16
Another weekend done, another week to look forward to!
1st row: Megan, Tony, Jessie, Olivia, Eva, me, 2nd row: Jeffrey, Nathan, Lauren, Ali, Stacey, Michael, Ali, Devin, Scott, Grayson, Robyn, Jon
We had three teams compete at the 2017 Battle At the Ballpark at Safeco field, followed by the beer garden and the game.
On the agenda this week: the return of back squats, push press/tuck jumps, kettlebell snatches/toes-to-bar/box jumps, practice with the still rings, the retest of “Easy Plate”, deadlifts/burpees/cleans, the wrap-up of the deadlift cycle with a day to test your 1-rep maximum deadlift, the hero workout “RYAN”, a CrossFit Team Series workout, and finally a birthday celebration workout for Moonboots!
+ Chiropractors Are Bullshit – The Outline
CrossFit WOD for Monday 7/10
back squat 6×5, ascending
100 push press for time. every time you drop the bar do 6 tuck jumps.
Rx = 43/29kg. Performance uses 2×50/35 lbs dumbbells. Post time to whiteboard / comments!
Olympic Weightlifting WOD
snatch complex, back squats, snatch push press
Powerlifting WOD
back squats, presses, and pullups
Kettlebell WOD
– Primal mobility
– Squat and press ladders
– Getup and swing work. Ending with simple and sinister (100 single arm swing and 10 TGU)