Ghost Town
With the recent news that many local companies are allowing/forcing their employees to work from home we’d like to remind everyone that you should not be coming into the gym if you are not feeling well, to wash your hands before and after your gym sessions, and to wipe down everything you’ve handled throughout your classes.

CrossFit WOD for Saturday 3/7/2020
Using a running clock, complete 50-40-30-20-10 reps for time:
wall ball, 20/14/8lbs to 10/9/9/’
hand-release pushups
at the 9:00 mark do the following complex: clean pull + 3 hang clean pulls + hang clean + jerk
Repeat every 3:00 until 24:00 (6 total sets). Share time and barbell load to whiteboard!
READ: How to Quarantine Yourself – The NY Times