Thursday 7/2/2020
We are STILL renting equipment throughout Washington State’s Phase 2 of reopening to serve everyone who wants frequency or to wait to join our Class and Guided Training sessions. Please check out the following charts:
With the new reopening plan, we also have EXPANDED our rental program during Phase 2 operations. We are increasing the timeframe of a rental to a full month for db/kb/mb/sb. If there’s anything we need to recall, we’ll let you know.
Going forward, we are revising our Rental Equipment days to a single slot on Saturdays between 10am-2pm (except July 4th). Reserve your time on PushPress, and when you are checked in, the class will be returned to your membership.
Also please take note that we will be reinforcing the Late-Cancel/No-Show Fee (inside 2-hours from the start of the session) because we have limited capacity, and not showing up prevents another member from joining that class.
CONDITIONING for Thursday 7/2/2020
JAFAR- “The power, the absolute power”
EMOM 10:00
- 5 heavy object front squats (heavy kb, db, or bb)
- 5 burpees
Rest: 1:00
EMOM 10:00
- 10 heavy object push press (heavy: dbl kb, db, or bb)
- 10 air squats
Post results to comments!
Pullup Strength Ladder (Week 1 of 12): EMOM x 4 do 1-2-1 reps
READ: What Really Happens When You Donate Your Clothes – And Why It’s Bad – Nylon
WATCH: A stretching sequence for the hips- great for getting back into back squatting regularly.