Tuesday 1/26
CONDITIONING for Tuesday 1/26/2021
3 total rotations (or about 10:00) of :30 work, :10 rest
– deficit reverse lunge
– bumper ground-to-overhead
– Russian twist
– bumper-facing burpee
– calf raise
a. Pullup Ladder: EMOM do 1-2-1 reps x4 rounds, as strict as possible.
b. every 90 seconds do 3 thrusters (ascending in weight) x 8 sets. Max L-sit in between sets if you want a challenge.
100 reps each, for time:
– hang power snatches, 30/20/PVC
– push presses, 30/20/PVC
– sumo deadlift high pulls, 30/20/PVC
– front squats, 30/20/PVC
Choose a weight that is appropriately light and plan to break each exercise into multiple sets. Like with her cousin ANGIE, the goal for ANDI is TIME, so take short breaks that allow continuous movement. Don’t write-off the PVC, especially if you haven’t been in the overhead shape for some time.
REMINDER: We moved the journals to the back, before your enter the cubby area. Athletes can ask coaches to grab their journals for recording.
Each a minute, doing all on the left side before the right: Quad stretch/roll, glute stretch/roll, lat stretch/roll, tricep stretch/roll
READ: The Consistency Project Podcast on Digesting and Absorbing Protein