Friday 11/5
New noon classes on the schedule: BODYBUILDING and ENGINE on Mon/Wed/Fri
BODYBUILDING is where you take your training to the next level for muscle and joint development to continue pushing your other training forward.
ENGINE is where you increase you cardiovascular endurance and muscular stamina so you’re not huffing and puffing all the time. Even though our ongoing classes provide you constantly varied functional movement at a relatively high intensity, sometimes low intensity over a long period of time is necessary for your heart health.
Check out the schedule on PushPress and RSVP to try them out next week!
WORKOUT for Friday 11/5/2021
5 rounds for time:
12 dumbbell hang clean & jerk, 35/50lbs
8 calorie row
4 bar muscle-ups
3 rounds for time:
20 alternating dumbbell squat snatch, 35/50lbs
40 dumbbell squats
Post both times to whiteboard.
READ: Will Smith’s YouTube Docuseries “Best Shape of My Life” to Premiere 11/8/2021 – BarBend