Tag Archive for: BarBend

WORKOUT for Monday 9/12/2022

(Week 5/8 of our squats program!)

every 6 minutes for 24 minutes:
5/9 muscle-up
9 burpee box jump overs, 16/24/36”
Max calorie row

Score = total calories. Post score to whiteboard!

READ: International Powerlifting Federation Unveils Bench Press Rule Change For 2023 – BarBend

It’s time for a new cycle of programming. The next four weeks will be focused on other benchmarks other than CGO (CrossFit Games Open) workouts: regular squatting, snatching, and pressing days, with pulling and gymnastics sprinkled throughout.

I think with the mask mandate lifted it might be time to program running back into workouts as well. BE PREPARED. And don’t cherry pick. That said if you prefer to NOT be around folx with unknown vaccination status we’ll always have row/bike/ski/jump rope options for you inside our facility.

WORKOUT for Monday 3/14/2022

5 rounds for max total reps:
max touch-and-go sumo deadlifts, 45/70/100kg
max toes-to-bar

Post score (max total SDL/max total t2b) to whiteboard!


SKILLS for Tuesday 12/21/2021 is the CLEAN

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 12/21/2021

LISTEN: 2021’s Biggest Strength Stories – BarBend Podcast

New noon classes on the schedule: BODYBUILDING and ENGINE on Mon/Wed/Fri

BODYBUILDING is where you take your training to the next level for muscle and joint development to continue pushing your other training forward.

ENGINE is where you increase you cardiovascular endurance and muscular stamina so you’re not huffing and puffing all the time. Even though our ongoing classes provide you constantly varied functional movement at a relatively high intensity, sometimes low intensity over a long period of time is necessary for your heart health.

Check out the schedule on PushPress and RSVP to try them out next week!

WORKOUT for Friday 11/5/2021

5 rounds for time:
12 dumbbell hang clean & jerk, 35/50lbs
8 calorie row
4 bar muscle-ups

3 rounds for time:
20 alternating dumbbell squat snatch, 35/50lbs
40 dumbbell squats

Post both times to whiteboard.

READ: Will Smith’s YouTube Docuseries “Best Shape of My Life” to Premiere 11/8/2021 – BarBend

WORKOUT for Monday 9/27/2021

deadlift 50/5, 75/5, 85/3, 95/1 (2), 95/1+ then

30-25-20-15-10-5 reps for time:
squat clean slam ball, 10/20lbs
push press, 25/44kg

Post loads and times to whiteboard.

READ: 11 Deadlift Benefits Backed By Science – BarBend

CONDITIONING for Monday 9/28/2020


AMRAP in 7:00
7 ground-to-overhead
14 hug lunges

As a shorter workout that means we need you to bring the intensity- it could be loading, or it could be speed. Your goal is to warmup thoroughly enough to feel like you can push 80% or more through the workout. Follow along with a full video lesson below!

Post score to comments!

READ: Justin Medeiros Changed Literally Everything to Make It To the 2020 CrossFit Games – BarBend

Stacey receiving a snatch just outside of the squat to then control it through the entire range of motion

CrossFit WOD for Monday, August 26th

overhead/front squat 8×3

21-15-9 reps for time:
hang power clean, 50/35kg

Run 400m to start each round. Post time to whiteboard!

READ: How the Ancient World Lifted Weights – BarBend

WATCH: Inside Westside Barbell, Powerlifting’s Most Exclusive and Controversial Gym by VICE Sports

In the dead center of Ohio, inside a dingy warehouse littered with weights and what looks like torture devices lies powerlifting’s most controversial and exclusive gym — Westside Barbell. Founded in 1987 by Louie Simmons, the gym is now a legend in the powerlifting and strength sports world thanks to the methods and training machines Louie has developed, and the 140 plus world records the gym has broke in competition.  However, Louie and some of his lifters hold very unapologetic stances on steroids and their use of them, and this has left the gym mired in controversy.    We traveled to Columbus, Ohio to meet with Louie and some of the lifters at Westside to talk with them about the culture of the gym, Louie’s renowned training methods and their use of performance-enhancing drugs.

An easy 63kg push jerk for Kellie

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday, August 20th

for time:
40 deadlifts, 90/65kg
30 front squats, 80/55kg
20 hang cleans, 70/45kg
10 snatch, 60/35kg

Compare to July 26th, 2019. Post time to whiteboard!


+ How Long Should You Rest Between Sets? What the Science Suggests – BarBend
+ Blake and Gemili Duel to Near Dead Heat in 100m Dash – NBC Sports

Big thanks to everyone who came out Tuesday evening for the Freestyle Connection Seminar

“The 1¼ squat is used to strengthen the bottommost part of the squat to aid in proper recovery position in the squat, clean or snatch. It can also be used specifically to train VMO and glute activation and strength.” – Greg Everett


+ The 1-1/4 Squat: How, When, and Why It Should Be In Your Training – BarBend

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 9/28

4 rounds for time:
100m lunge
7 muscle-ups

then 1-1/4 front squats 7×3

Post times to whiteboard!

The CrossFit Games Open (and the FCF Intramural Open. Learn about it here!) start this weekend! The first workout will be released and as always Dave Castro is posting hints to instagram:

via @thedavecastro ・・・ 17.1

A post shared by The CrossFit Games (@crossfitgames) on

What does this mean? Could it be a classic workout? Something with deadlifts? INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW!


+ CrossFit Games Athlete Alex Anderson on How to Crush the 2017 Open – BarBend

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 2/21

in 25 minutes:
– establish a 1RM press then
– establish a 1RM push press then
– push press 3x8x60 with 2:00 rests


3 rounds for time:
10 slam ball, 30/20#
10 burpees

Compare to 1/31/2017. Post maxes and time to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD


1. OH hold
2. goblet squats
3. pushups
4. pull-ups/ring rows
5. OH lunges
6. burpees

1 minute of midline work after each tabata.